Insufferable twat....

Okay, so I was out with my friend the other day, eating (yes, eating, I told you I loved food), anyway, here comes this dude starring intently at me.

Not only was it irritating, the way he was looking at me but this fool thought he was the ish. He sat at the table adjacent from ours with his back to me but kept turning to question me, "you look like you know me", "where are you from", "are you Nigerian", "what is your name", crass ass, this dude was!!!

I finally told him that he was being rude and that if he wanted to get any sort of information from us, he should start off by introducing himself. My friend proceeded to say something to him but he just cut her off telling her that he was not speaking to her that he was speaking to me.

I was wondering why he was not picking up what my eyes were conveying, you know, shut the fuck up and leave us the hell alone. Then I got the bright idea that maybe if I answered some of his probing questions I could eat in peace, so I told the leach what I do for a living, then he says, you see, I am just about to meet with my R-E-L-A-T-O-R, if you were nice to me, you could be getting my business because I am very rich.

Oh, mein Gott!! Who fucking says that!!!

Freaking hilarious!!!

By the way, dumbass, the word is Realtor!!!


SET said…
Insecure man, they don't take the time to think of being decent.
Unknown said…
Ah, you must be a fine sisi to be having to beat off the niggas like this O!

Relator, love it!
Lolita said…
@Set, no sense of decency at all.

@Fred, fine sisi no be small :) hee, hee.
BOBBY said…
bwahahahahaa at RELATOR...razz mutha fawka!
Lolita said…
My dear, big time razzo!!

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